Viper Surfing Fins

Viper V7 Yellow Dot Fins

Viper V-7's are the original length Viper Surfing Fin's designed by Fred Simpson in 1980 for bodysurfing and also popular with lifeguards around the world.

Blade Type: Stiff

The original patented vertical rails generate maximum thrust and control by channeling water down the blade and off the tip. More water is pushed off the back creating more thrust!

Viper V7 Yellow Dot Fins
Viper V7 Yellow Dot Fins

Viper V-7's are the original length Viper Surfing Fin's designed by Fred Simpson in 1980 for bodysurfing and also popular with lifeguards around the world.

Blade Type: Stiff

The original patented vertical rails generate maximum thrust and control by channeling water down the blade and off the tip. More water is pushed off the back creating more thrust!

Viper V7 Yellow Dot Fins
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Viper V5 Orange Dot Fins

Blade Type: Flex

Viper V-5 “Flex” have the same thrust and control as the V-5 but with a softer blade making it easier to kick.

Viper V-5's are Bodyboarding Pioneer JP Patterson's modified, 5-inch blade version for bodyboarding. The shorter blade gives you a faster kick while still delivering the maximum amount of thrust and control. Tested and used by bodyboarders around the world since 1990!

Viper V5 Orange Dot Fins
Viper V5 Orange Dot Fins

Blade Type: Flex

Viper V-5 “Flex” have the same thrust and control as the V-5 but with a softer blade making it easier to kick.

Viper V-5's are Bodyboarding Pioneer JP Patterson's modified, 5-inch blade version for bodyboarding. The shorter blade gives you a faster kick while still delivering the maximum amount of thrust and control. Tested and used by bodyboarders around the world since 1990!

Viper V5 Orange Dot Fins
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Viper V5 Yellow Dot Fins

Viper V-5's are Bodyboarding Pioneer JP Patterson's modified, 5-inch blade version for bodyboarding. The shorter blade gives you a faster kick while still delivering the maximum amount of thrust and control. Tested and used by bodyboarders around the world since 1990!

Best selling Viper Sufing Fin.

Blade Type: Stiff

Viper V5 Yellow Dot Fins
Viper V5 Yellow Dot Fins

Viper V-5's are Bodyboarding Pioneer JP Patterson's modified, 5-inch blade version for bodyboarding. The shorter blade gives you a faster kick while still delivering the maximum amount of thrust and control. Tested and used by bodyboarders around the world since 1990!

Best selling Viper Sufing Fin.

Blade Type: Stiff

Viper V5 Yellow Dot Fins
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