WNL Products WLCRdM CPR Compression Rate & Depth Wrist Device

Product Points : 2Points


  • 2-IN-1 CPR COMPRESSION RATE AND DEPTH WRIST MONITOR – This CPR feedback monitor device measures compression rate and depth when training CPR
  • AUDIBLE BEEP FOR COMPRESSION DEPTH – The CRdM provides a single audible “beep” when compression depth is below the range of 5-6cm (2″-2.3″) and 2 audible “beeps” when above the range of 5-6 cm (2″-2.3″) which is an audible cue to adjust the compression depth when performing training of CPR
  • LIGHT INDICATOR FOR COMPRESSION RATE – The cardiopulmonary resuscitation trainer has a diode which illuminates red when compressions are below 100 cpm or above 120 cpm. The light illuminates green when compressions are within 100 cpm to 120 cpm
  • AHA INSTRUMENTED DIRECTIVE FEEDBACK DEVICE COMPLAINT – The CPR timing monitor works great in a classroom setting for practicing CPR on a training manikin as this wrist monitor device measures compression rate and depth measurement
  • WNL PRODUCTS DIFFERENCE – WNL Products is a leading supplier of CPR and first aid training equipment which can be attributed to quality, cost effective, and innovative products


Brand Name WNL Products
Affiliate Product Amazon Affiliate product and we make a small commission on a sale
Part Number WLCRdM



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