QTY: 1 Product Weight: 1 lbs
This BVM is the only resuscitator that is made from a SEBS material instead of PVC. This classifies the BVM as environmentally safe and fully disposable, thus eliminating all risks of cross contamination. Simple is good, but simpler is better. The crystal clear valve housing provides an unimpeded view of the valve operation, and the slim design makes it easier to view the mask. This BVM provides users with exceptional tactile and visual feedback during resuscitation. The bag is highly responsive, with minimal mechanical resistance—some even says it’s a natural extension of the hand. Our convenient handle makes it easier to hold the unit and to ventilate a patient with just one hand if necessary. And our characteristic design provides optimum stroke volume with perfect recoil, yet is smaller and lighter than most other disposable units.
QTY: 1 Product Weight: 1 lbs
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